Redefining What Matters
Are you good enough?
Met trots presenteert MAMA een nieuw project van de Rotterdamse kunstenaar Claire van Lubeek, Redefining What Matters. Van Lubeek maakte een totaalinstallatie gebaseerd op de theorieën van motivatiecoaches.

“Are you on top of your game? Did you work hard enough? Are you successful in your work field? What does it take to be the man/woman for the job? Are you good enough? Do you have the spirit of a winner? Are you in control of your life? Do you pursue you ambitions? Do you grasp success? Have you made the right choices? How do you want to be remembered? Do you have good time management? Do you set the right goals for yourself? Are you willing to sacrifice one thing for another? Did you make a plan for your business? Are you aware of your economical identity? What time do you wake up? Do you work during lunchtime? How do you deal with chat talk? What is expected from you? Why are some people more successful than others? How to get better relationships? Are you living a life full of desperation? Do you do things differently? Do you know how to change your habits? Are you well organized? How badly do you want to learn? How much effort do you want to put into getting better? What is it you want to accomplish? Did you make a list for the week? What us the most valuable use of your time? Do you know how to concentrate? Do you have a grip on the consequences? Are you important? Are you able to set priorities? Did you delegate? How do you have good meetings? Why are you on the payroll? Can you get a raise? Are you doing well? Are you uneasy with your boss? How do you clean up your desk? Is the bin basket your best friend? Are you willing to work from 5 to 7? Do you know the value of your contribution?”
Samengesteld door Gerben Willers met bijdrage van Claire van Lubeek
HOME is het leidmotief waarmee we gesprekken rondom opvattingen van geborgenheid, representatie en identificatie aanwakkeren. HOME is een basis, een plek waar je naar terugkeert én een anker voor de verdere reis. HOME (ook online) is het begin van je verbondenheid met anderen. Onder de naam HOME presenteren we tevens onze tentoonstellingen in de showroom. In samenwerking met jonge makers geven we uitdrukking aan interpretaties over HOME | IN REAL LIFE | NETWORKS.