We Can Still Build a Home While Floating
Open call for storytellers

Flags have historically been used in a multitude of ways. Whilst in its multiplicity, several questions arise: Can you be represented by a generic symbol? Where do the borders of the represented area or group end?
The workshop calls to any storytellers out of hiding! The workshop will be conducted through a care package that participants can pick-up at the showroom. Inside it are various materials and exercise instructions. With this care package they will create a flag through storytelling. After receiving the package the participants have until January 9th to drop off their flags at the showroom. The flag will the be sewn together and hoisted above the showroom for the last 3-days of the exhibition.
To participate please send us an email to hello@thisismama.nl mentioning the workshop ‘We can still build a home while floating’ accompanying your name and email where we can contact you for further instructions for this workshop.
“Through deviating our everyday manners to non-everyday manners, I want to reveal stories that are not always visible. They reveal themselves mainly in performances, installations, and poetry (though sometimes taking shape in many more forms). The body is at the core centre. Once the body morphs, the way and the extent to which someone dares to be vulnerable changes. This affects another core element in my practice, which is language. In connection with language, I look at its use as a way of inclusion and exclusion. By distorting the body, you deal with language differently, and so your presence to others.”
This workshop is part of the exhibition Worlds between Words.
About IRL
Our lives are dominated by the self-produced realities that we encounter on the internet and social media. This tension between fact and fiction touches upon the core of our leitmotiv IN REAL LIFE. The only way to escape the post-truth is to meet each other in real life. We facilitate these meetings in the form of readings, lectures, masterclasses, workshops, excursions and parties that tangibly express the ideas behind HOME | IN REAL LIFE | NETWORKS.