Dinnershow: Forever 21
We are celebrating our 21-year anniversary by organizing a dinnershow extravaganza.
Forever 21 means forever young! To celebrate our 21st year on this planet, MAMA is organizing a dinnershow extravaganza. You will embark on a journey across 21 years of MAMA and youth culture, with performances relating to themes such as DIY, gender, sexuality, taboos & borders.
The menu consists of House of GHOD, Wei not Sing, Ma’Ma Queen, Marilyn Merlot, Tommy Ventevogel, Nathalie Hartjes, Kim de Haas, Climax Girls, De Rotterdamsche Viswijven and more.
The menu consists of wonderful vegetarian dishes (including a godly dessert), limited complimentary drinks and a programme packed to the brim with playful performances, emotional treatises and absurd games. Tickets are quite expensive for a MAMA event, but you are guaranteed an unparalleled bacchanal where you will be wined and dined like you have never experienced before.

By buying the magnificent I <3 MAMA ticket you are sending us extra love by supporting MAMA’s plans for future world domination and all the talented members of Team MAMA. On to the next 21 years!
From mid-October until mid-November MAMA organizes events under the title Breaking Barriers – a manifestation to celebrate our eternal youth. Remember, kids: age ain’t nothing but a number!
Breaking Barriers is supported by City of Rotterdam, Mondriaan Fund and Prins Bernhard Culture Fund
About IRL
Our lives are dominated by the self-produced realities that we encounter on the internet and social media. This tension between fact and fiction touches upon the core of our leitmotiv IN REAL LIFE. The only way to escape the post-truth is to meet each other in real life. We facilitate these meetings in the form of readings, lectures, masterclasses, workshops, excursions and parties that tangibly express the ideas behind HOME | IN REAL LIFE | NETWORKS.