Flyers tell the story of the love for design, the superficiality of the process and the trends and images that are determined by time and space, through which the development of new digital techniques offered a stage to an entire generation of young designers.
The exhibition flyer’dam features the flyers from the infamous Rotterdam clubbing-scene from the 80s till now.

The rise of house, acid, gabber, illegal parties, r&b but also tekno, drum ‘n’ bass, MTC party’s, hip-hop, breakbeatz, the alternative scene, easy tune, art pop parties and more are featured in this exhibition, which exists of an installation of more than 2000 flyers.
The exhibition offers a profile of the codes used by people who are clubbing, of a young and widely compiled, urban population, but also shows the palette of graphic styles and influences; flyers tell the story of the love for design, the superficiality of the process and the trends and images that are determined by time and space, through which the development of new digital techniques offered a stage to an entire generation of young designers.

Flyer’dam is an overt celebration of everything that matters to us in a city that’s about to value our youth and make way for their culture, from the insight that they hold our future.
‘Face the Music / On Wheels’ it said, a scantily clad lady was holding a drink, while two Blues Brothers were posing on skates in the background; the first flyer to grab my attention was one for the biggest kiddie disco in Rotterdam, every Saturday night at the Energiehal, late eighties. I posted it on my wall and it was like I belonged to some secret society. (The La Rivière Tapes – flyer’dam)
Curated by Gyz La Rivière & Fleur Kolk
About HOME
HOME is the leitmotiv by which we encourage conversation about conceptions regarding belonging, representation and identification. HOME is a fundament, the place you return to and anchorpoint for the journey onward. HOME (offline as well as online) is the start of feeling connect to others. Under the name HOME we also present exhibitions in the showroom of MAMA. In collaboration with young makers we express interpretations about HOME | IN REAL LIFE | NETWORKS.