Reclaiming the street
For ‘Reclaiming the Street’, MAMA asked for ideas and designs for an object or adaptation that takes place in the urban public space. Objects or adaptations of the public space that invite playful use by skateboarders, but also by other users of the public space.

Students, artists, skateboarders and designers from all over the world submitted 85 design concepts for the open submission – competition ‘Reclaiming the Street.’ For ‘Reclaiming the Street’, MAMA was seeking ideas and designs for an object, environment or an intervention in urban public space that would offer a playful but functional space for skateboarders as well as other users.
The submitted concepts were shown in Rot(t)erdam (Meent 119-133, Rotterdam) from June 13th to July 25th,2010. A jury specialized in the field of skateboarding, visual arts and architecture nominated four concepts, while the public choose the fifth nominee. The five nominated ideas would be further developed in the fall of 2010 into feasible designs. A second jury consisting of professionals will choose the winning design. The nominees and those who received honourable mentions will appear in a publication, which will be released in 2011. One of these 5 nominated designs will hopefully be realized in the city of Rotterdam.
The jury has nominated the following proposals:
The Car Crash set / Fun is Awesome (Marten Koster, Hassel Dekker, Bjorn Eulink, Renee Reijnders – Gouda, The Netherlands)
Twist And Shout (Romi Khosla Design Studio – New Delhi, India)
& (Carlos Antonio Ruiz Tapia, San Juan Cuautlancingo – Puebla, Mexico)
Red Height Design (Tevfik Mehmet, Bahadir Altinkaynak – Ankara, Turkey)
The public opted for:
De Badkuip (Maurizio Scarciglia, Luis Oliva Andrad NAUTA architecture & research – Rotterdam, The Netherlands)

Curated by Showroom MAMA and Roodkapje with the contribution of Martand Khosla, Carlos Antonio Ruiz Tapia, Tefvik Mehmet Aydin, Bahadir Altinkaynak, Marten Koster, Hassel Dekker, Bjorn Eulink, Renee Reijnders, Nauta architecture & research and Maurizio Scarciglia.
The exhibition was organized in collaboration with Rot(t)terdam / Roodkapje.
With support of:
Stimuleringsfonds voor Architectuur, Mondriaan Stichting, Gemeente Rotterdam Dienst Kunst en Cultuur en Stichting DOEN.
About HOME
HOME is the leitmotiv by which we encourage conversation about conceptions regarding belonging, representation and identification. HOME is a fundament, the place you return to and anchorpoint for the journey onward. HOME (offline as well as online) is the start of feeling connect to others. Under the name HOME we also present exhibitions in the showroom of MAMA. In collaboration with young makers we express interpretations about HOME | IN REAL LIFE | NETWORKS.