Because these young women grew up in the Netherlands, because they are Dutch, their background creates a fashion-clash which results in new interesting forms and silhouettes for both Moslem and non-Moslem women.

MSLM – MAMA Moslima Fashion was a two-part project: A magazine and an exhibition. MAMA saw, in Rotterdam as well as other cities, an immense variation in moslem women fashion and it’s influence on the fashion world.  But a magazine targeted to moslem women wasn’t publishedA group of young fashion-minded women, mostly second generation Moslem clearly stands out in our society.M SLM shows the fashion of this group. Because these young women grew up in the Netherlands, because they are Dutch, their background creates a fashion-clash which results in new interesting forms and silhouettes for both Moslem and non-Moslem women. Designers are inspired and influenced by this, use elements of another culture or design custom-fit products. From traditional to trendy, from the Mid-East to the West.


Natasa Heydra heeft samen met vijf jonge Moslima’s onderzocht hoe deze vrouwen zelf tegen mode aankijken. MAMA was met dit project vooral benieuwd naar de manier waarop de mode-industrie mogelijkerwijs in zou spelen op deze groep meiden,  die door hun extra set regels en gevarieerde achtergrond, specifieke eisen stellen aan hun kleding.

Styling: Aicha Marley en Patrick van Timmeren(NL), Simone de Koning (NL)
Sound: Nafer (NL)
Labels: Al Quds jeans (IT), Mango (ES), H&M (SE)
Designers: Leyp,…and beyond (NL), Bogomir Doringer (YU-NL), Blazinbell (NL), Mada van Gaans (NL), Mad� (NL), Ziyana Besma (NL), Mode Atelier Zakia (NL), Iniy Sanchez (NL), Sabijn Peters (NL)
Curated by: Natasa Heydra

About HOME

HOME is the leitmotiv by which we encourage conversation about conceptions regarding belonging, representation and identification. HOME is a fundament, the place you return to and anchorpoint for the journey onward. HOME (offline as well as online) is the start of feeling connect to others. Under the name HOME we also present exhibitions in the showroom of MAMA. In collaboration with young makers we express interpretations about HOME | IN REAL LIFE | NETWORKS.


Website by HOAX Amsterdam