Worlds between Words
Whilst walking through the street on a cold, crisp evening, a flash of light whisks past your nose and you stumble back. It runs left and you dart towards it at a fantastic speed, but it seems to have slipped under a glass door. As your body abandons the chase you take a deep breath, and looking straight at you is a great, translucent labyrinth.
You enter…
There are many mysterious worlds sitting in plain sight that do not speak by tongue or word. However, there are ways to pronounce these realms outside your lingual vision, to step into landscapes where inherent languages are uncovered by uncommon tools. These places are encapsulated and told through intimate encounters of sense and space, through ceremony and ritual, through the accumulation of gestural actions that trace to heritage and homelands we no longer live in. In the rushing city winds and strangely shaped buildings raised to your horizon, worlds converge into the complex dynamics and constructions of self-made stories.
These landscapes and the narratives that hold them together are explored in the exhibition Worlds between Words. The tales of the artists are rooted in migration, ancestry, and life after devastation. The labyrinth asks you to place yourself inside it, and by travelling between narratives, contemplate the vastness of the city landscape next to your own stories of belonging. Lifting these veils, we find languages emerge as pockets to these worlds quietly open. Between buildings and houses, the bustling trams, and bikers. Here, these stories do not wait till dusk or remain in the shadows waiting for us to listen. They roam around in the realm of light, in a magical place called Rotterdam.

Programme maker:
Ratri Notosudirdjo
Ada M. Patterson
Cihad Caner
Gilang Anom M. M.
Roxette Capriles
Graphic designer:
Noémi Biró
With a thin glass between you and MAMA, The Center is where we can see the different worlds cross clearly, where they perform themselves into the eye’s view…
19 November 2021:
Opening performance by Daryl Grootfaam
27–28 November 2021:
Storytelling workshop by Kwinnie Lê at Boijmans Hillevliet
3 December 2021:
Performance by Magdalena Petrova
11 December 2021:
Performance by Gilang Manira
16 January 2022:
Closing performance by Sarafina Paulina Bonita and Venla Miila Kaarina
The exhibition will remain closed until further notice.
About HOME
HOME is the leitmotiv by which we encourage conversation about conceptions regarding belonging, representation and identification. HOME is a fundament, the place you return to and anchorpoint for the journey onward. HOME (offline as well as online) is the start of feeling connect to others. Under the name HOME we also present exhibitions in the showroom of MAMA. In collaboration with young makers we express interpretations about HOME | IN REAL LIFE | NETWORKS.