Assemble Relatives
Fourteen international artists cordially invite you to Assemble Relatives, a temporary assembly across three contemporary art spaces in Rotterdam.
The conversations, relationships and practices these artists have developed over two years, at the Master Fine Art of Piet Zwart Institute, coalesce in this single moment before they disperse into a new constellation. Three local contemporary art institutions—MAMA, TENT and
ramfoundation—provide the stage for a guided script in which the artworks at first speak for themselves, then shift positions toward each other and the audience over the course of the ten-day event. There will be collaborations, artworks distributed en route, changes in the installations, bursts of songs, and performances inside and outside the three venues.

Curated by Maaike Gouwenberg with contribution of Niels Bekkema, Clara J:son Borg, Madison Bycroft, Seecum Cheung, Raluca Croitoru, Mat Do, Michael FitzGerald, Daniel Fogarty, Tracy Hanna, Mitchell Kehe, Katherine MacBride, Kari Robertson, Natalia Sorzano and Angharad Williams
About HOME
HOME is the leitmotiv by which we encourage conversation about conceptions regarding belonging, representation and identification. HOME is a fundament, the place you return to and anchorpoint for the journey onward. HOME (offline as well as online) is the start of feeling connect to others. Under the name HOME we also present exhibitions in the showroom of MAMA. In collaboration with young makers we express interpretations about HOME | IN REAL LIFE | NETWORKS.