For many people security measures are experienced as positive and effective. However well intended though, they limit our actions.

In order to ensure our national security we have been introduced to camera surveillance, Civilian net, telephone taps, RFID-chip, alarm phase orange, preventive body-searches, vagabond-prevention-strips, coffeeshop free areas around schools, the behind-thefront-door policy, the Mosquito, the Taser, the public transport chip card, a ban on public gatherings and the zero-tolerance policy. We observe each other and every single suitcase due to the ‘together against terrorism’ campaigns.


For many people security measures are experienced as positive and effective. However well intended though, they limit our actions. The exhibition ‘For Security Reasons’ investigates the balance between safety and playfulness and displays a critical point of view on the latest developments in security. The exhibited art shows where there is space for playfulness in a society where security measures are more or less inviolable.


For Security Reasons is compiled by the first collection of curators of the Rookies MA course (the continuation of the Mr Miyagi course): Tim Braakman, Marieke de Rooij and Aline Yntema.

Mentors: Alex de Jong & Marc Schuilenburg, Joost Ten Bruggencate, Mark Maurer, Melle Hammer, Geert Mul, Hicham Khalidi; and also Zoe Gray, Renske Janssen, Ariadne Urlus, MAMA Staff, alle Rookies, alle opbouwers (Daniel, Babis, Joris, Koole, Irvin, Johan) and everyone who has assisted us in the process!

For Security Reasons fits in with the program of the 4th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam.

Curated by Tim Braakman, Marieke de Rooij and Aline Yntema with the contribution of Stylianos Schicho, Jeroen Jongeleen, SpY, Harmen de Hoop, Antoine Schmitt, Desiree Palmen, Fabian Bechtle & Stefan Reuter and Sander Veenhof.

About HOME

HOME is the leitmotiv by which we encourage conversation about conceptions regarding belonging, representation and identification. HOME is a fundament, the place you return to and anchorpoint for the journey onward. HOME (offline as well as online) is the start of feeling connect to others. Under the name HOME we also present exhibitions in the showroom of MAMA. In collaboration with young makers we express interpretations about HOME | IN REAL LIFE | NETWORKS.


Website by HOAX Amsterdam