EARTHRISE × Zhouwéi Network
A Hybrid Reality Game
Something is rising in the midst of the city surrounding us. In between the many microcosms of the infinitely unfinished city of Rotterdam, three potential futures are emerging in the nebulous atmosphere. A city mirroring a constant construction site opens up doorways to realities close enough to sense. The realities of the year 2041.
In a game of chance, players are led to a series of geographical locations, to try and unlock artefacts of the societies of Zhouwéi Network. In the form of an ephemeral soundscape, EARTHRISE infiltrates your perception of the changing sceneries you find yourself in as you follow the directions of the game makers. As you surrender to the game, your destined path will unravel before you. Do you feel at home in your own reality? What about the one you are moving towards?
Play the game here.
*smartphone only / bike or other transportation is recommended

Design: Camilo García Aycardi
Zhouwéi Network is a worldbuilding research umbrella that explores the design of affective undertones in different speculative future societies, in dialogue with currently emerging technocultural developments. The fiction series ‘Embodied ambitopias’ (2021) zooms in on hypothetical mind-body exercises, combined with speculative interfaces and contrasting rhetorics to shed light on the differences, as well as the occasional similarities, between the three worlds.
This event is part of the exhibition Zero Emissions by 2099, curated by Mary Ponomarva.
The exhibition hopefully will opens it’s physical doors as soon as the current COVID-19 situation improves and we are allowed to open our showroom again. Until then you are invited to dive into the world of Zero Emissions by 2099 through our Virtual showroom.
Over IRL
Ons leven wordt gedomineerd door de zelfgeproduceerde werkelijkheden die we tegenkomen op het internet en social media. Deze spanning tussen feit en fictie raakt de kern van het leidmotief IN REAL LIFE. De enige manier om aan de post-truth te ontsnappen is elkaar in het echt (IN REAL LIFE) te ontmoeten. Dat doen we onder meer in de vorm van lezingen, masterclasses, workshops, excursies en feesten die uiting geven aan de ideeën achter HOME | IN REAL LIFE | NETWORKS.