Aether is the Greek God of atmosphere, breath, the soul of the earth, and the clouds, stars, sun, and moon. Aether distinguishes the earth from the underworld and is also the son of Nyx.
Aether brings together literary essays that address tenderness, hope, caring for each other and yourself, togetherness and pleasure, but also allows for criticism of systems of oppression. With this publication we hope to provide new perspectives on what collective care can look like and with this publication we want to offer space for innovative ideas around sustainable infrastructures of care and solidarity.
Roos Muis – Variaties op een thema
Marieke de Groot – Het autistische meisje met de tulband
Gitka te Poel – Een brief
Soumaya Bazi – Liefdestaal
Hasret Emine – Een reeks hysterische eisen
Cover illustration: Sioejeng Tsao
The publication is issued in addition to the exhibition On Collective Care & Togetherness, curated by Leana Boven. More information about the exhibition can be found here.
You can order the publication at the MAMA Webshop. A screen print was also made for the publication, which can also be found here.