Opening + Performances: Climate Knowledges
Three Team MAMA members are presenting unique performances

With the coming of modern science and technology, the mineral-rich mud contained in rivers has lost much of its original meaning. Nowadays, mud has been transformed from free-flowing into state-owned objects of control.
In Tributary, a performance by Ratri, she herself and Bintang Manira and Helen Arushanjan re-create the banks of rivers and returns them to their original meaning. You will meander through the performers, passing through three different phases in order to re-imagine the meaning of mud. And to re-root ourselves into our animistic ancestries.
Can we use the same knowledge and the same ways of thinking from Western science in other parts of the world? Valienska explores the Indonesian narrative for one of nature’s most fearsome and blessed forces: Wind. Together, we will explore the bodily consequences of Wind and share some of Indonesia’s modernized traditional practices for overcoming them.
Play with this re-authentication of different sciences, and perhaps you will learn new ways of protecting yourself from the harsh forthcoming Winds of Rotterdam!

Our ancestors worshipped the sun, moon and earth. Through rituals they expressed themselves and asked for help. In the 21st century we are much less concerned with these kinds of ritual. Yahaira asks: Why? Why is it that our ancestors prayed to the sun, moon and earth and why is this no longer a part of our daily lives? And what role has colonisation played in the fading away of these ancestral rituals?
In this performance Yahaira makes an offering to the gods who have helped and protected us for aeons, and to this day still do. Without them we would not exist. Yahaira invites you to join in her ritual.
About IRL
Our lives are dominated by the self-produced realities that we encounter on the internet and social media. This tension between fact and fiction touches upon the core of our leitmotiv IN REAL LIFE. The only way to escape the post-truth is to meet each other in real life. We facilitate these meetings in the form of readings, lectures, masterclasses, workshops, excursions and parties that tangibly express the ideas behind HOME | IN REAL LIFE | NETWORKS.