Piet Zwart Institute: Material Context
Graduation Show: Material Context
The Piet Zwart Institute Master Fine Art celebrates the graduates of 2020 and 2021 with an exhibition of their recent works.
Lockdowns and uprisings. The purgatory of staying at home while the world is set on fire. How to consider artistic production while the conditions of the familiar world are rapidly changing around you? These are some of the questions and conditions that have influenced the many and varied directions taken by the graduates of the Master Fine Art in 2020 and 2021, two ends of a very long year.
The location of this exhibition, the former Rotterdam city archives, provides an architectural framework and a space to project through layers of history. As a storehouse for data and documentation of a city through the span of several decades, the archive, now emptied of its contents, is an appropriate space for framing this collective endeavor. What materializations, documents or remnants serve as useful indications of shared histories? How do singular images represent not only themselves but perhaps also stand in for communal narratives or even global paradigms?
Dates: 1 – 11 July, 2021
Location: Het Archief, Robert Fruinstraat 52, Rotterdam, NL
Opening: 1 July, 5 – 10 pm
Performances: tba
Online performance & screening programme: 10 July
Opening times:
2 & 3 July: 12 – 8 pm
4 – 10 July: 12 – 7 pm (closed on 5 & 6 July)
11 July: 12 – 6 pm
Graduates 2021: Guillem S. Arquer, Emma Astner, Linus Bonduelle, Dagmar Bosma, Pascale De Graaf, Aimilia Efthimiou, Halla Einarsdóttir, Diana Al Halabi, Junghun Kim, Bruno Neves, Steven Maybury, Christian Aagaard Ovesen
Graduates 2020: Ayo, Annabelle Binnerts, Antonia Brown, Jake Caleb, Olga Hohmann, Peter Horneland, Jamie Kane, Lucia Bayon Mendoza, Lukas Messner, Josie Perry, Petter Johan Dahlstrom Persson, Daphne Simons, Yanik Soland, Berglind Erna Tryggvadottir
Organized by: Danny Giles (course director, Master Fine Art), Nathalie Hartjes (director, MAMA), Kim de Haas (daily manager, MAMA)
Keep in mind the current Covid-19 measures during your visit: keep social distance, disinfect your hands and stay home if you have any COVID-19 symptoms.

Exhibition Venue – Het Archief:
The Exhibition will take place across four floors of the Het Archief building in Rotterdam. This building, which once held the Rotterdam city archives, has been transformed into a center for artists studios and exhibition space.
About HOME
HOME is the leitmotiv by which we encourage conversation about conceptions regarding belonging, representation and identification. HOME is a fundament, the place you return to and anchorpoint for the journey onward. HOME (offline as well as online) is the start of feeling connect to others. Under the name HOME we also present exhibitions in the showroom of MAMA. In collaboration with young makers we express interpretations about HOME | IN REAL LIFE | NETWORKS.