.raw esperanto
To dovetail with Sho(u)t, we have programmed work by artists that examine the relationship to authority, how to deal with and react to it.
The point of departure for the exhibition is a new interactive installation by Vincent Elka: Sho(u)t. Sho(u)t reacts to the different emotional layers of the human voice, which results in an interaction between man and machine.

The verbal accumulation in the physical space can, in Elka’s words, be regarded as an emotional Esperanto, a language that everyone feels, speaks, and understands. To dovetail with Sho(u)t, we have programmed work by artists that examine the relationship to authority, how to deal with and react to it.
The work Zalgiris by the young Lithuanian Ugnius Gelguda refers to a renowned pitched battle, and thus to one of the reference points in the nation’s memory. Gelguda reacts against the mechanisms and machinations of the collective, which, in his opinion, are the cause of hostility and alienation.
Gal Kinan uses the militaristic, patriarchal tradition of Israeli culture as point of departure, in order to examine the relationship between the individual and the state by means of kinetic objects and drawings. The computer-controlled objects of Rob Zimmermann in turn, investigate the relationship between technology and human nature, between mechanized actions and the function of rituals as an organizing framework; Zimmermann believes that computer programs and dogmas have much in common.
In the space of a few years the brothers Simon and Tom Bloor have developed an oeuvre in which their interest in social radicals is the connecting theme. They bring the individuals who conflict with social structures out of historical obscurity and give them a podium.

With this exhibition MAMA links into the theme ‘Free Radicals’ of the Exploding Cinema programme of the 37th International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR). Free Radicals is the accepted term in chemistry for unusual molecules or atoms that sometimes induce violent reactions. Here, this applies to artists whose work has a similar radical impact. Sho(u)t by Vincent Elka received an honourable mention at Ars Electronica 2007 in the category ‘interactive art’.
Ook dit jaar pakt MAMA uit tijdens de museumnacht op zaterdag 1 maart. Tot 02.00 uur kan je de tentoonstelling .raw esperanto op je in laten werken.
Als extra special komen de jongens van Dit is dit in actie met ‘Dit is dit, MAMA’ en alsof dat nog niet genoeg is kan je in de showroom rekenen op een portable oneliner van Simon & Tom Bloor (GB, 1973)
MAMA is open tijdens de museumnacht van 20:00 – 02:00
About HOME
HOME is the leitmotiv by which we encourage conversation about conceptions regarding belonging, representation and identification. HOME is a fundament, the place you return to and anchorpoint for the journey onward. HOME (offline as well as online) is the start of feeling connect to others. Under the name HOME we also present exhibitions in the showroom of MAMA. In collaboration with young makers we express interpretations about HOME | IN REAL LIFE | NETWORKS.